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MIPS 74K events

This is a list of MIPS 74K's CPU's performance counter event types. Please see Programming the MIPS32 74K Core Family available from

NameDescriptionCounters usableUnit mask options
CYCLES 0-0 Cycles all
INSTRUCTIONS 1-0 Instructions graduated all
PREDICTED_JR_31 2-0 JR $31 (return) instructions predicted including speculative instructions 0, 2
REDIRECT_STALLS 3-0 Stall cycles due to register indirect jumps (including non-predicted JR $31), ERET/WAIT instructions, and IFU determined exception 0, 2
ITLB_ACCESSES 4-0 Instruction micro-TLB accesses 0, 2
ICACHE_ACCESSES 6-0 Instruction cache accesses including speculative instructions 0, 2
ICACHE_MISS_STALLS 7-0 Instruction cache miss stall cycles 0, 2
UNCACHED_IFETCH_STALLS 8-0 Uncached instruction fetch stall cycles 0, 2
IFU_REPLAYS 9-0 Replays within the IFU due to full Instruction Buffer 0, 2
IFU_IDU_MISS_PRED_UPSTREAM_CYCLES 11-0 Cycles IFU-IDU gate is closed (to prevent upstream from getting ahead) due to mispredicted branch 0, 2
IFU_IDU_CLOGED_DOWNSTREAM_CYCLES 12-0 Cycles IFU-IDU gate is closed (waiting for downstream to unclog) due to MTC0/MFC0 sequence in pipe, EHB, or blocked DD, DR, or DS 0, 2
DDQ0_FULL_DR_STALLS 13-0 DR stage stall cycles due to DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) full 0, 2
ALCB_FULL_DR_STALLS 14-0 DR stage stall cycles due to ALCB (ALU completion buffers) full 0, 2
CLDQ_FULL_DR_STALLS 15-0 DR stage stall cycles due to CLDQ (data comming back from FPU) full 0, 2
ALU_EMPTY_CYCLES 16-0 DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) empty cycles 0, 2
ALU_OPERANDS_NOT_READY_CYCLES 17-0 DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) no issue cycles with valid instructions but operands not ready 0, 2
ALU_NO_ISSUES_CYCLES 18-0 DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) no issue cycles with valid instructions due to operand(s) not available, MDU busy, or CorExt resource busy 0, 2
ALU_BUBBLE_CYCLES 19-0 DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) bubbles due to MFC1 data write 0, 2
SINGLE_ISSUE_CYCLES 20-0 Either DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) or DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) valid instruction issue cycles 0, 2
OOO_ALU_ISSUE_CYCLES 21-0 Out-of-order ALU issue cycles (issued instruction is not the oldest in the pool) 0, 2
JALR_JALR_HB_INSNS 22-0 Graduated JALR/JALR.HB instructions 0, 2
DCACHE_LOAD_ACCESSES 23-0 Counts all accesses to the data cache caused by load instructions 0, 2
DCACHE_WRITEBACKS 24-0 Data cache writebacks 0, 2
JTLB_DATA_ACCESSES 25-0 Joint TLB data (non-instruction) accesses 0, 2
LOAD_STORE_REPLAYS 26-0 Load/store generated replays - load/store follows too closely a matching CACHEOP 0, 2
LOAD_STORE_BLOCKED_CYCLES 27-0 Load/store graduation blocked cycles due to CP1/2 store data not ready, SYNC/SYNCI/SC/CACHEOP at the head, or FSB/LDQ/WBB/ITU FIFO full 0, 2
L2_CACHE_WRITEBACKS 28-0 L2 Cache Writebacks 0, 2
L2_CACHE_MISSES 29-0 L2 Cache Misses 0, 2
FSB_FULL_STALLS 30-0 Pipe stall cycles due to FSB full 0, 2
LDQ_FULL_STALLS 31-0 Pipe stall cycles due to LDQ full 0, 2
WBB_FULL_STALLS 32-0 Pipe stall cycles due to WBB full 0, 2
LOAD_MISS_CONSUMER_REPLAYS 35-0 Replays following optimistic issue of instruction dependent on load which missed, counted only when the dependent instruction graduates 0, 2
JR_NON_31_INSNS 36-0 jr $xx (not $31) instructions graduated (at same cost as a mispredict) 0, 2
BRANCH_INSNS 37-0 Branch instructions graduated, excluding CP1/CP2 conditional branches 0, 2
BRANCH_LIKELY_INSNS 38-0 Branch likely instructions graduated including CP1 and CP2 branch likely instructions 0, 2
COND_BRANCH_INSNS 39-0 Conditional branches graduated 0, 2
INTEGER_INSNS 40-0 Integer instructions graduated including NOP, SSNOP, MOVCI, and EHB 0, 2
LOAD_INSNS 41-0 Loads graduated including CP1 ans CP2 loads 0, 2
J_JAL_INSNS 42-0 J/JAL graduated 0, 2
NOP_INSNS 43-0 NOP instructions graduated - SLL 0, NOP, SSNOP, and EHB 0, 2
DSP_INSNS 44-0 DSP instructions graduated 0, 2
DSP_BRANCH_INSNS 45-0 DSP branch instructions graduated 0, 2
UNCACHED_LOAD_INSNS 46-0 Uncached loads graduated 0, 2
EJTAG_INSN_TRIGGERS 49-0 EJTAG instruction triggerpoints 0, 2
CP1_BRANCH_MISPREDICTIONS 50-0 CP1 branches mispredicted 0, 2
SC_INSNS 51-0 SC instructions graduated 0, 2
PREFETCH_INSNS 52-0 Prefetch instructions graduated 0, 2
NO_INSN_CYCLES 53-0 No instructions graduated cycles 0, 2
ONE_INSN_CYCLES 54-0 One instruction graduated cycles 0, 2
GFIFO_BLOCKED_CYCLES 55-0 GFIFO blocked cycles 0, 2
MISPREDICTION_STALLS 56-0 Cycles from the time of a pipe kill due to mispredict until the first new instruction graduates 0, 2
MISPREDICTED_BRANCH_INSNS_CYCLES 57-0 Mispredicted branch instruction graduation cycles without the delay slot 0, 2
EXCEPTIONS_TAKEN 58-0 Exceptions taken 0, 2
COREEXTEND_EVENTS 59-0 Implementation specific CorExtend events 0, 2
ISPRAM_EVENTS 62-0 Implementation specific ISPRAM events 0, 2
L2_CACHE_SINGLE_BIT_ERRORS 63-0 Single bit errors corrected in L2 0, 2
SYSTEM_EVENT_0 64-0 Implementation specific system event 0 0, 2
SYSTEM_EVENT_2 65-0 Implementation specific system event 2 0, 2
SYSTEM_EVENT_4 66-0 Implementation specific system event 4 0, 2
SYSTEM_EVENT_6 67-0 Implementation specific system event 6 0, 2
OCP_ALL_REQUESTS 68-0 All OCP requests accepted 0, 2
OCP_READ_REQUESTS 69-0 OCP read requests accepted 0, 2
OCP_WRITE_REQUESTS 70-0 OCP write requests accepted 0, 2
FSB_LESS_25_FULL 74-0 FSB < 25% full 0, 2
LDQ_LESS_25_FULL 75-0 LDQ < 25% full 0, 2
WBB_LESS_25_FULL 76-0 WBB < 25% full 0, 2
JR_31_MISPREDICTIONS 2-1 JR $31 (return) instructions mispredicted 1, 3
JR_31_NO_PREDICTIONS 3-1 JR $31 (return) instructions not predicted 1, 3
ITLB_MISSES 4-1 Instruction micro-TLB misses 1, 3
JTLB_INSN_MISSES 5-1 Joint TLB instruction misses 1, 3
ICACHE_MISSES 6-1 Instruction cache misses, includes misses from fetch-ahead and speculation 1, 3
PDTRACE_BACK_STALLS 8-1 PDtrace back stalls 1, 3
KILLED_FETCH_SLOTS 9-1 Valid fetch slots killed due to taken branches/jumps or stalling instructions 1, 3
IFU_IDU_NO_FETCH_CYCLES 11-1 Cycles IFU-IDU gate open but no instructions fetched by IFU 1, 3
DDQ1_FULL_DR_STALLS 13-1 DR stage stall cycles due to DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) full 1, 3
AGCB_FULL_DR_STALLS 14-1 DR stage stall cycles due to AGCB (AGEN completion buffers) full 1, 3
IODQ_FULL_DR_STALLS 15-1 DR stage stall cycles due to IODQ (data comming back from IO) full 1, 3
AGEN_EMPTY_CYCLES 16-1 DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) empty cycles 1, 3
AGEN_OPERANDS_NOT_READY_CYCLES 17-1 DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) no issue cycles with valid instructions but operands not ready 1, 3
AGEN_NO_ISSUES_CYCLES 18-1 DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) no issue cycles with valid instructions due to operand(s) not available, non-issued stores blocking ready to issue loads, or non-issued CACHEOPs blocking ready to issue loads 1, 3
AGEN_BUBBLE_CYCLES 19-1 DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) bubbles due to MFC2 data write or cache access from FSB 1, 3
DUAL_ISSUE_CYCLES 20-1 Both DDQ0 (ALU out-of-order dispatch queue) and DDQ1 (AGEN out-of-order dispatch queue) valid instruction issue cycles 1, 3
OOO_AGEN_ISSUE_CYCLES 21-1 Out-of-order AGEN issue cycles (issued instruction is not the oldest in the pool) 1, 3
DCACHE_LINE_REFILL_REQUESTS 22-1 Data cache line loads (line refill requests) 1, 3
DCACHE_ACCESSES 23-1 Data cache accesses 1, 3
DCACHE_MISSES 24-1 Data cache misses 1, 3
JTLB_DATA_MISSES 25-1 Joint TLB data (non-instruction) misses 1, 3
VA_TRANSALTION_CORNER_CASES 26-1 Virtual memory address translation synonyms, homonyms, and aliases (loads/stores treated as miss in the cache) 1, 3
LOAD_STORE_NO_FILL_REQUESTS 27-1 Load/store graduations not resulting in a bus request because misses at integer pipe graduation turn into hit or merge with outstanding fill request 1, 3
L2_CACHE_ACCESSES 28-1 Accesses to the L2 cache 1, 3
L2_CACHE_MISS_CYCLES 29-1 Cycles a L2 miss is outstanding, but not necessarily stalling the pipeline 1, 3
FSB_OVER_50_FULL 30-1 FSB > 50% full 1, 3
LDQ_OVER_50_FULL 31-1 LDQ > 50% full 1, 3
WBB_OVER_50_FULL 32-1 WBB > 50% full 1, 3
CP1_CP2_LOAD_INSNS 35-1 CP1/CP2 load instructions graduated 1, 3
MISPREDICTED_JR_31_INSNS 36-1 jr $31 instructions graduated after mispredict 1, 3
CP1_CP2_COND_BRANCH_INSNS 37-1 CP1/CP2 conditional branch instructions graduated 1, 3
MISPREDICTED_BRANCH_LIKELY_INSNS 38-1 Mispredicted branch likely instructions graduated 1, 3
MISPREDICTED_BRANCH_INSNS 39-1 Mispredicted branches graduated 1, 3
FPU_INSNS 40-1 FPU instructions graduated 1, 3
STORE_INSNS 41-1 Store instructions graduated including CP1 ans CP2 stores 1, 3
MIPS16_INSNS 42-1 MIPS16 instructions graduated 1, 3
NT_MUL_DIV_INSNS 43-1 Integer multiply/divide instructions graduated 1, 3
ALU_DSP_SATURATION_INSNS 44-1 ALU-DSP graduated, result was saturated 1, 3
MDU_DSP_SATURATION_INSNS 45-1 MDU-DSP graduated, result was saturated 1, 3
UNCACHED_STORE_INSNS 46-1 Uncached stores graduated 1, 3
FAILED_SC_INSNS 51-1 SC instructions failed 1, 3
CACHE_HIT_PREFETCH_INSNS 52-1 PREFETCH instructions which did nothing, because they hit in the cache 1, 3
LOAD_MISS_INSNS 53-1 Cacheable load instructions that miss in the cache graduated 1, 3
TWO_INSNS_CYCLES 54-1 Two instructions graduated cycles 1, 3
CP1_CP2_STORE_INSNS 55-1 CP1/CP2 Store graduated 1, 3
GRADUATION_REPLAYS 58-1 Replays initiated from graduation 1, 3
DSPRAM_EVENTS 62-1 Implementation specific events from the DSPRAM block 1, 3
SYSTEM_EVENT_1 64-1 Implementation specific system event 1 0, 2
SYSTEM_EVENT_3 65-1 Implementation specific system event 3 0, 2
SYSTEM_EVENT_5 66-1 Implementation specific system event 5 0, 2
SYSTEM_EVENT_7 67-1 Implementation specific system event 7 0, 2
OCP_ALL_CACHEABLE_REQUESTS 68-1 All OCP cacheable requests accepted 0, 2
OCP_READ_CACHEABLE_REQUESTS 69-1 OCP cacheable read request accepted 0, 2
OCP_WRITE_CACHEABLE_REQUESTS 70-1 OCP cacheable write request accepted 0, 2
FSB_25_50_FULL 74-1 FSB 25-50% full 0, 2
LDQ_25_50_FULL 75-1 LDQ 25-50% full 0, 2
WBB_25_50_FULL 76-1 WBB 25-50% full 0, 2
Rules of Optimization: Rule 1: Don't do it. Rule 2 (for experts only): Don't do it yet. - M.A. Jackson