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MIPS 1004K events

This is a list of MIPS 1004K's CPU's performance counter event types. Please see Programming the MIPS32 1004K Core Family available from

NameDescriptionCounters usableUnit mask options
CYCLES 0-0 Cycles all
INSTRUCTIONS 1-0 Instructions completed all
DCACHE_MISSES 11-0 Data cache misses all
BRANCH_INSNS 2-0 Branch instructions (whether completed or mispredicted) 0
JR_31_INSNS 3-0 JR $31 (return) instructions executed 0
JR_NON_31_INSNS 4-0 JR $xx (not $31) instructions executed (at same cost as a mispredict) 0
ITLB_ACCESSES 5-0 Instruction micro-TLB accesses 0
DTLB_ACCESSES 6-0 Data micro-TLB accesses 0
JTLB_INSN_ACCESSES 7-0 Joint TLB instruction accesses 0
JTLB_DATA_ACCESSES 8-0 Joint TLB data (non-instruction) accesses 0
ICACHE_ACCESSES 9-0 Instruction cache accesses 0
DCACHE_ACCESSES 10-0 Data cache accesses 0
STORE_MISS_INSNS 13-0 Cacheable stores that miss in the cache 0
INTEGER_INSNS 14-0 Integer instructions completed 0
LOAD_INSNS 15-0 Load instructions completed (including FP) 0
J_JAL_INSNS 16-0 J/JAL instructions completed 0
NO_OPS_INSNS 17-0 no-ops completed, ie instructions writing $0 0
ALL_STALLS 18-0 Stall cycles, including ALU and IFU 0
SC_INSNS 19-0 SC instructions completed 0
PREFETCH_INSNS 20-0 PREFETCH instructions completed 0
L2_CACHE_WRITEBACKS 21-0 L2 cache lines written back to memory 0
L2_CACHE_MISSES 22-0 L2 cache accesses that missed in the cache 0
EXCEPTIONS_TAKEN 23-0 Exceptions taken 0
CACHE_FIXUP_CYCLES 24-0 Cache fixup cycles (specific to the 34K family microarchitecture) 0
IFU_STALLS 25-0 IFU stall cycles 0
DSP_INSNS 26-0 DSP instructions completed 0
POLICY_EVENTS 28-0 Implementation specific policy manager events 0
ISPRAM_EVENTS 29-0 Implementation specific ISPRAM events 0
COREEXTEND_EVENTS 30-0 Implementation specific CorExtend events 0
YIELD_EVENTS 31-0 Implementation specific yield events 0
ITC_LOADS 32-0 ITC Loads 0
UNCACHED_LOAD_INSNS 33-0 Uncached load instructions 0
FORK_INSNS 34-0 Fork instructions completed 0
CP2_ARITH_INSNS 35-0 CP2 arithmetic instructions completed 0
INTERVENTION_STALLS 36-0 Cache coherence intervention processing stall cycles 0
ICACHE_MISS_STALLS 37-0 Stall cycles due to an instruction cache miss 0
DCACHE_MISS_CYCLES 39-0 Cycles a data cache miss is outstanding, but not necessarily stalling the pipeline 0
UNCACHED_STALLS 40-0 Uncached stall cycles 0
MDU_STALLS 41-0 MDU stall cycles 0
CP2_STALLS 42-0 CP2 stall cycles 0
ISPRAM_STALLS 43-0 ISPRAM stall cycles 0
CACHE_INSN_STALLS 44-0 Stall cycless due to CACHE instructions 0
LOAD_USE_STALLS 45-0 Load to use stall cycles 0
INTERLOCK_STALLS 46-0 Stall cycles due to return data from MFC0, RDHWR, and MFTR instructions 0
RELAX_STALLS 47-0 Low power stall cycles (operations) as requested by the policy manager 0
IFU_FB_FULL_REFETCHES 48-0 Refetches due to cache misses while both fill buffers already allocated 0
EJTAG_INSN_TRIGGERS 49-0 EJTAG instruction triggerpoints 0
FSB_LESS_25_FULL 50-0 FSB < 25% full 0
FSB_OVER_50_FULL 51-0 FSB > 50% full 0
LDQ_LESS_25_FULL 52-0 LDQ < 25% full 0
LDQ_OVER_50_FULL 53-0 LDQ > 50% full 0
WBB_LESS_25_FULL 54-0 WBB < 25% full 0
WBB_OVER_50_FULL 55-0 WBB > 50% full 0
INTERVENTION_HIT_COUNT 56-0 External interventions that hit in the cache 0
INVALIDATE_INTERVENTION_COUNT 57-0 External invalidate (i.e. leaving a cache line in the invalid state) interventions 0
EVICTION_COUNT 58-0 Cache lines written back due to cache replacement or non-coherent cache operation 0
MESI_INVAL_COUNT 59-0 MESI protocol transitions into invalid state 0
MESI_MODIFIED_COUNT 60-0 MESI protocol transitions into modified state 0
SELF_INTERVENTION_LATENCY 61-0 Latency from miss detection to self intervention 0
READ_RESPONSE_LATENCY 62-0 Read latency from miss detection until critical dword of response is returned 0
MISPREDICTED_BRANCH_INSNS 2-1 Branch mispredictions 1
JR_31_MISPREDICTIONS 3-1 JR $31 mispredictions 1
JR_31_NO_PREDICTIONS 4-1 JR $31 not predicted (stack mismatch). 1
ITLB_MISSES 5-1 Instruction micro-TLB misses 1
DTLB_MISSES 6-1 Data micro-TLB misses 1
JTLB_INSN_MISSES 7-1 Joint TLB instruction misses 1
JTLB_DATA_MISSES 8-1 Joint TLB data (non-instruction) misses 1
ICACHE_MISSES 9-1 Instruction cache misses 1
DCACHE_WRITEBACKS 10-1 Data cache lines written back to memory 1
LOAD_MISS_INSNS 13-1 Cacheable load instructions that miss in the cache 1
FPU_INSNS 14-1 FPU instructions completed (not including loads/stores) 1
STORE_INSNS 15-1 Stores completed (including FP) 1
MIPS16_INSNS 16-1 MIPS16 instructions completed 1
INT_MUL_DIV_INSNS 17-1 Integer multiply/divide instructions completed 1
REPLAYED_INSNS 18-1 Replayed instructions 1
SC_INSNS_FAILED 19-1 SC instructions completed, but store failed (because the link bit had been cleared) 1
CACHE_HIT_PREFETCH_INSNS 20-1 PREFETCH instructions completed with cache hit 1
L2_CACHE_ACCESSES 21-1 Accesses to the L2 cache 1
L2_CACHE_SINGLE_BIT_ERRORS 22-1 Single bit errors corrected in L2 1
SINGLE_THREADED_CYCLES 23-1 Cycles while one and only one TC is eligible for scheduling 1
REFETCHED_INSNS 24-1 Replayed instructions sent back to IFU to be refetched 1
ALU_STALLS 25-1 ALU stall cycles 1
ALU_DSP_SATURATION_INSNS 26-1 ALU-DSP saturation instructions 1
MDU_DSP_SATURATION_INSNS 27-1 MDU-DSP saturation instructions 1
CP2_EVENTS 28-1 Implementation specific CP2 events 1
DSPRAM_EVENTS 29-1 Implementation specific DSPRAM events 1
ITC_EVENT 31-1 Implementation specific yield event 1
UNCACHED_STORE_INSNS 33-1 Uncached store instructions 1
CP2_TO_FROM_INSNS 35-1 CP2 to/from instructions (moves, control, loads, stores) 1
INTERVENTION_MISS_STALLS 36-1 Cache coherence intervention processing stall cycles due to an earlier miss 1
DCACHE_MISS_STALLS 37-1 Stall cycles due to a data cache miss 1
FSB_INDEX_CONFLICT_STALLS 38-1 FSB (fill/store buffer) index conflict stall cycles 1
L2_CACHE_MISS_CYCLES 39-1 Cycles a L2 miss is outstanding, but not necessarily stalling the pipeline 1
ITC_STALLS 40-1 ITC stall cycles 1
FPU_STALLS 41-1 FPU stall cycles 1
COREEXTEND_STALLS 42-1 CorExtend stall cycles 1
DSPRAM_STALLS 43-1 DSPRAM stall cycles 1
ALU_TO_AGEN_STALLS 45-1 ALU to AGEN stall cycles 1
MISPREDICTION_STALLS 46-1 Branch mispredict stall cycles 1
FB_ENTRY_ALLOCATED_CYCLES 48-1 Cycles while at least one IFU fill buffer is allocated 1
EJTAG_DATA_TRIGGERS 49-1 EJTAG Data triggerpoints 1
FSB_25_50_FULL 50-1 FSB 25-50% full 1
FSB_FULL_STALLS 51-1 FSB full pipeline stall cycles 1
LDQ_25_50_FULL 52-1 LDQ 25-50% full 1
LDQ_FULL_STALLS 53-1 LDQ full pipeline stall cycles 1
WBB_25_50_FULL 54-1 WBB 25-50% full 1
WBB_FULL_STALLS 55-1 WBB full pipeline stall cycles 1
INTERVENTION_COUNT 56-1 External interventions 1
INVALIDATE_INTERVENTION_HIT_COUNT 57-1 External invalidate interventions that hit in the cache 1
WRITEBACK_COUNT 58-1 Cache lines written back due to cache replacement or any cache operation (non-coherent, self, or external coherent) 1
MESI_EXCLUSIVE_COUNT 59-1 MESI protocol transitions into exclusive state 1
MESI_SHARED_COUNT 60-1 MESI protocol transitions into shared state 1
SELF_INTERVENTION_COUNT 61-1 Self intervention requests on miss detection 1
READ_RESPONSE_COUNT 62-1 Read requests on miss detection 1
It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts. - Sherlock Holmes