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First generation Intel Atom events

This is a list of all Intel Atom's performance counter event types. Please see the Intel Architecture 32 Family Developer's Manual, Volume 3, Appendix A.

NameDescriptionCounters usableUnit mask options
CPU_CLK_UNHALTED Clock cycles when not halted 0, 1 0x00: (name=core_p) Core cycles when core is not halted
0x01: (name=bus) Bus cycles when core is not halted
0x02: (name=no_other) Bus cycles when core is active and the other is halted
UNHALTED_REFERENCE_CYCLES Unhalted reference cycles 0, 1 0x01: No unit mask
INST_RETIRED number of instructions retired 0, 1 0x01: No unit mask
LLC_MISSES Last level cache demand requests from this core that missed the LLC 0, 1 0x41: No unit mask
LLC_REFS Last level cache demand requests from this core 0, 1 0x4f: No unit mask
BR_INST_RETIRED number of branch instructions retired 0, 1 0x00: (name=any) Retired branch instructions
0x01: (name=pred_not_taken) Retired branch instructions that were predicted not-taken
0x02: (name=mispred_not_taken) Retired branch instructions that were mispredicted not-taken
0x04: (name=pred_taken) Retired branch instructions that were predicted taken
0x08: (name=mispred_taken) Retired branch instructions that were mispredicted taken
0x0a: mispred Retired mispredicted branch instructions (precise event)
0x0c: taken Retired taken branch instructions
0x0f: any1 Retired branch instructions
BR_MISS_PRED_RETIRED number of mispredicted branches retired (precise) 0, 1
STORE_FORWARDS Good store forwards 0, 1 0x81: (name=good) Good store forwards
SEGMENT_REG_LOADS Number of segment register loads 0, 1 0x00: (name=any) Number of segment register loads
PREFETCH Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) Prefetch instructions executed 0, 1 0x01: (name=prefetcht0) Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) PrefetchT0 instructions executed
0x06: (name=sw_l2) Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) PrefetchT1 and PrefetchT2 instructions executed
0x08: (name=prefetchnta) Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) Prefetch NTA instructions executed
DATA_TLB_MISSES Memory accesses that missed the DTLB 0, 1 0x07: (name=dtlb_miss) Memory accesses that missed the DTLB
0x05: (name=dtlb_miss_ld) DTLB misses due to load operations
0x09: (name=l0_dtlb_miss_ld) L0_DTLB misses due to load operations
0x06: (name=dtlb_miss_st) DTLB misses due to store operations
PAGE_WALKS Page walks 0, 1 0x03: (name=walks) Number of page-walks executed
0x03: (name=cycles) Duration of page-walks in core cycles
X87_COMP_OPS_EXE Floating point computational micro-ops 0, 1 0x01: (name=s) Floating point computational micro-ops executed
0x81: (name=ar) Floating point computational micro-ops retired
FP_ASSIST Floating point assists 0, 1 0x81: (name=ar) Floating point assists
MUL Multiply operations 0, 1 0x01: (name=s) Multiply operations executed
0x81: (name=ar) Multiply operations retired
DIV Divide operations 0, 1 0x01: (name=s) Divide operations executed
0x81: (name=ar) Divide operations retired
CYCLES_DIV_BUSY Cycles the driver is busy 0, 1 0x01: No unit mask
CORE Cycles L2 address bus is in use 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
L2_DBUS_BUSY Cycles the L2 cache data bus is busy 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
L2_LINES_IN L2 cache misses 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x60: (name=all) All inclusive
0x20: (name=hw) Hardware prefetch only
0x00: (name=exclude_hw) Exclude hardware prefetch
L2_M_LINES_IN L2 cache line modifications 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
L2_LINES_OUT L2 cache lines evicted 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x60: (name=all) All inclusive
0x20: (name=hw) Hardware prefetch only
0x00: (name=exclude_hw) Exclude hardware prefetch
L2_M_LINES_OUT Modified lines evicted from the L2 cache 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x60: (name=all) All inclusive
0x20: (name=hw) Hardware prefetch only
0x00: (name=exclude_hw) Exclude hardware prefetch
L2_IFETCH L2 cacheable instruction fetch requests 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x08: (name=modified) Counts modified state
0x04: (name=exclusive) Counts exclusive state
0x02: (name=shared) Counts shared state
0x01: (name=invalid) Counts invalid state
L2_LD L2 cache reads 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x60: (name=all) All inclusive
0x20: (name=hw) Hardware prefetch only
0x00: (name=exclude_hw) Exclude hardware prefetch
0x08: (name=modified) Counts modified state
0x04: (name=exclusive) Counts exclusive state
0x02: (name=shared) Counts shared state
0x01: (name=invalid) Counts invalid state
L2_ST L2 store requests 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x08: (name=modified) Counts modified state
0x04: (name=exclusive) Counts exclusive state
0x02: (name=shared) Counts shared state
0x01: (name=invalid) Counts invalid state
L2_LOCK L2 locked accesses 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x08: (name=modified) Counts modified state
0x04: (name=exclusive) Counts exclusive state
0x02: (name=shared) Counts shared state
0x01: (name=invalid) Counts invalid state
L2_RQSTS L2 cache requests 0, 1 0x41: (name=i_state) L2 cache demand requests from this core that missed the L2
0x4f: mesi L2 cache demand requests from this core
0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x60: (name=all) All inclusive
0x20: (name=hw) Hardware prefetch only
0x00: (name=exclude_hw) Exclude hardware prefetch
0x08: (name=modified) Counts modified state
0x04: (name=exclusive) Counts exclusive state
0x02: (name=shared) Counts shared state
0x01: (name=invalid) Counts invalid state
L2_REJECT_BUSQ Rejected L2 cache requests 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x60: (name=all) All inclusive
0x20: (name=hw) Hardware prefetch only
0x00: (name=exclude_hw) Exclude hardware prefetch
0x08: (name=modified) Counts modified state
0x04: (name=exclusive) Counts exclusive state
0x02: (name=shared) Counts shared state
0x01: (name=invalid) Counts invalid state
L2_NO_REQ Cycles no L2 cache requests are pending 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
EIST_TRANS Number of Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(R) Technology (EIST) transitions 0, 1
THERMAL_TRIP Number of thermal trips 0, 1 0xc0: (name=thermal_trip) Number of thermal trips.
L1D_CACHE L1d Cache accesses 0, 1 0x21: (name=ld) L1 Cacheable Data Reads
0x22: (name=st) L1 Cacheable Data Writes
BUS_REQUEST_OUTSTANDING Outstanding cacheable data read bus requests duration 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_BNR_DRV Number of Bus Not Ready signals asserted 0, 1 0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_DRDY_CLOCKS Bus cycles when data is sent on the bus 0, 1 0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_LOCK_CLOCKS Bus cycles when a LOCK signal is asserted. 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_DATA_RCV Bus cycles while processor receives data 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
BUS_TRANS_BRD Burst read bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_RFO RFO bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_WB Explicit writeback bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_IFETCH Instruction-fetch bus transactions. 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_INVAL Invalidate bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_PWR Partial write bus transaction. 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_P Partial bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_IO IO bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_DEF Deferred bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_BURST Burst (full cache-line) bus transactions. 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_MEM Memory bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_TRANS_ANY All bus transactions 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
EXT_SNOOP External snoops 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x08: (name=modified) Counts modified state
0x04: (name=exclusive) Counts exclusive state
0x02: (name=shared) Counts shared state
0x01: (name=invalid) Counts invalid state
BUS_HIT_DRV HIT signal asserted 0, 1 0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_HITM_DRV HITM signal asserted 0, 1 0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUSQ_EMPTY Bus queue is empty 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
SNOOP_STALL_DRV Bus stalled for snoops 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
0x00: (name=this) This agent
0x40: (name=any) Include any agents
BUS_IO_WAIT IO requests waiting in the bus queue 0, 1 0x180: (name=all) All cores.
0x80: (name=this) This Core.
ICACHE Instruction cache accesses 0, 1 0x03: (name=accesses) Instruction fetches
0x02: (name=misses) Icache miss
ITLB ITLB events 0, 1 0x04: (name=flush) ITLB flushes
0x02: (name=misses) ITLB misses
MACRO_INSTS instructions decoded 0, 1 0x02: (name=cisc_decoded) CISC macro instructions decoded
0x03: (name=all_decoded) All Instructions decoded
SIMD_UOPS_EXEC SIMD micro-ops executed 0, 1 0x00: (name=s) SIMD micro-ops executed (excluding stores)
0x80: (name=ar) SIMD micro-ops retired (excluding stores)
SIMD_SAT_UOP_EXEC SIMD saturated arithmetic micro-ops executed 0, 1 0x00: (name=s) SIMD saturated arithmetic micro-ops executed
0x80: (name=ar) SIMD saturated arithmetic micro-ops retired
SIMD_UOP_TYPE_EXEC SIMD packed microops executed 0, 1 0x01: (name=s) SIMD packed multiply microops executed
0x81: (name=ar) SIMD packed multiply microops retired
0x02: (name=s) SIMD packed shift micro-ops executed
0x82: (name=ar) SIMD packed shift micro-ops retired
0x04: (name=s) SIMD pack micro-ops executed
0x84: (name=ar) SIMD pack micro-ops retired
0x08: (name=s) SIMD unpack micro-ops executed
0x88: (name=ar) SIMD unpack micro-ops retired
0x10: (name=s) SIMD packed logical microops executed
0x90: (name=ar) SIMD packed logical microops retired
0x20: (name=s) SIMD packed arithmetic micro-ops executed
0xa0: ar SIMD packed arithmetic micro-ops retired
UOPS_RETIRED Micro-ops retired 0, 1 0x10: (name=any) Micro-ops retired
MACHINE_CLEARS Self-Modifying Code detected 0, 1 0x01: No unit mask
CYCLES_INT_MASKED Cycles during which interrupts are disabled 0, 1 0x01: (name=cycles_int_masked) Cycles during which interrupts are disabled
0x02: (name=cycles_int_pending_and_masked) Cycles during which interrupts are pending and disabled
SIMD_INST_RETIRED Retired Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instructions 0, 1 0x01: (name=packed_single) Retired Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) packed-single instructions
0x02: (name=scalar_single) Retired Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) scalar-single instructions
0x04: (name=packed_double) Retired Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) packed-double instructions
0x08: (name=scalar_double) Retired Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) scalar-double instructions
0x10: (name=vector) Retired Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) vector instructions
0x1f: any Retired Streaming SIMD instructions
HW_INT_RCV Hardware interrupts received 0, 1
SIMD_COMP_INST_RETIRED Retired computational Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instructions. 0, 1 0x01: (name=packed_single) Retired computational Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) packed-single instructions
0x02: (name=scalar_single) Retired computational Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) scalar-single instructions
0x04: (name=packed_double) Retired computational Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) packed-double instructions
0x08: (name=scalar_double) Retired computational Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2) scalar-double instructions
MEM_LOAD_RETIRED Retired loads 0, 1 0x01: (name=l2_hit) Retired loads that hit the L2 cache (precise event)
0x02: (name=l2_miss) Retired loads that miss the L2 cache (precise event)
0x04: (name=dtlb_miss) Retired loads that miss the DTLB (precise event)
SIMD_ASSIST SIMD assists invoked 0, 1
SIMD_INSTR_RETIRED SIMD Instructions retired 0, 1
SIMD_SAT_INSTR_RETIRED Saturated arithmetic instructions retired 0, 1
BR_INST_DECODED Branch instructions decoded 0, 1
BOGUS_BR Bogus branches 0, 1
BACLEARS BACLEARS asserted 0, 1 0x01: No unit mask
It is a capital mistake to theorise before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts. - Sherlock Holmes